Legal Mentions
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Dubai World Trade Centre
50 Broadway
London, England
You can find us working in Paris at our headquarters, located at Chez Spaces Bonne Nouvelle, 17 - 21 Rue Saint Fiacre, 75002 Paris, France.
You can call us at +33 (0) 1 83 89 72 88 or send us an email at legal@swapcard[.]com.
This website was edited by our founder and CEO, Baptiste Boulard, from SWAPCARD CORPORATION SAS, with 47.782,00€ of capital, registration number 790 356 760, and is hosted in Ireland on Amazon Web Services Inc (AWS) servers. Their address is Greenhills Road, Tymon North, Dublin, Ireland.
The gender equality index at Swapcard Corporation stands at 96 out of 100 points in 2024. It grows from 84 in 2023 thanks to the efforts made by Swapcard, as explained here.