Swapcard Legal Center

France - Gender equality index at Swapcard

Progress initiatives implemented by Swapcard in 2024 to improve its equality index

Date last updated: February 26, 2025

The gender equality index at Swapcard Corporation was 84 out of 100 points in 2023. Swapcard initiated the following progress initiatives to improve its score in 2024.

Indicator 1 : Gender pay gap
Score: 39/40 points
Progress objective: Swapcard is committed to ensuring salary equality in all recruitments, based solely on criteria related to skills and experience relevant to the position, without distinction of gender. Legal obligations regarding salary equality between men and women will be reminded to all parties involved in the recruitment process.

Indicator 2: Disparity in individual salary increases between men and women
Score: 35/35 points

Indicator 3: Percentage of female employees returning from maternity leave during the reference year who received a salary increase upon their return during the same period, if increases occurred during their leave duration
Score: 0/15 points
Progress objective: Swapcard commits to complying with Article L.1225-26 of the labor code, which stipulates that salaries of female employees must be reevaluated upon their return from maternity leave. This salary reassessment will be conducted for all employees returning from maternity leave.

Indicator 4: Number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the ten employees with the highest salaries
Score: 10/10 points